Horsehair Wigs - IRLI Podcast

In our Horsehair Wigs podcast, we speak to guests about justice and human rights, and explore the drivers behind why they do what they do. The podcast is presented and produced by journalist Evelyn McClafferty, who specialises in justice and climate issues.

With thanks to our donors: Irish Aid.

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Logo/drawing by JSP-Jesper Buursink

About the podcast

Horsehair Wigs is a monthly legal podcast. In it, we talk about justice issues with a broad range of international guests. You'll learn about trends in climate and environmental law in Brazil, Russia, Ukraine, the Arctic and elsewhere. You'll also learn about the brilliant campaign led by female judges to support Afghan colleagues after the Taliban came to power in 2021.

So far, we’ve featured leading figures in the international criminal law field. This includes female judges from Ireland and the US, including Teresa Doherty and Shireen Fisher, who have worked on the first legal cases involving child soldiers in Sierra Leone, along with landmark rulings related to sexual slavery and forced marriage.

We've talked to lawyers who work to support victims of genocide and other war crimes. We also spoke to Fergal Gaynor, who worked at the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (the ICTR), the first international court to prosecute politicians for human rights violations. This was set up to prosecute those responsible for the 1994 Rwandan genocide, in which Hutu militias killed 800,000 people over a matter of weeks.

Our podcast also has a strong environmental leaning. With Maud Sarliève, we’ve discussed the proposed new environmental crime of ecocide. With Gearóid Ó Cuinn, we talked about the historic case led by six young people from Portugal that has recently been in the headlines. Between the ages of 11 and 24, they are taking 33 countries to trial for their failure in the face of climate breakdown. We also talked about eco-crimes in Barbuda.

Given our globalised world, we also highlight transnational litigation's impact on international crime. With Gearoid Ó Cuinn, we talked about legal attempts to ban cotton made through the forced labour of the Uyghur people in China. Eva Buzo spoke to us about the worsening crisis faced by the Rohingya in the Cox’s Bazar refugee camp in Bangladesh.

Protecting human rights and the rule of law are central to the work of Irish Rule of Law International. In light of this, we’ve talked to lawyers like Linda Kasonde in Zambia – known for speaking truth to power.

Horsehair Wigs is presented and produced by journalist Evelyn McClafferty. Based in Berlin, Evelyn is a specialist in climate and justice issues. She has worked on several award-winning podcasts related to both the environment and human rights, and contributes internationally to platforms that focus on climate change and clean energy reporting.

A new episode of the podcast is available monthly.

All episodes

ICJ climate justice opinion should look beyond the Paris Agreement

January 31, 2025 | posted by | 5sc

Nikki Reisch Director Center International Environmental Law

The Director of CIEL’s Climate & Energy Program, Nikki Reisch is our guest this month.

A heartfelt tribute to James Douglas

December 30, 2024 | posted by | 5sc

Human rights lawyer Pat de Brún reflects on the life and work of James Douglas.

New Era for ICC reparative justice

November 29, 2024 | posted by | 5sc

Podcast Horsehair Wigs Deborah Ruiz Verduzco

Our guest this month is the Executive Director of the Trust Fund for Victims (TFV) at the International Criminal Court (ICC), Deborah Ruiz Verduzco.

Selling a kidney - a biological currency of last resort

October 25, 2024 | posted by | 5sc

Horsehair Wigs Podcast Dr Sean Columb Illegal Organ Trade Researcher Law

Our guest this month is Dr Seán Columb, who for over 10 years has been investigating the illegal organ trade.

Rule of law to play central role in our changing energy sector

September 16, 2024 | posted by | 5sc

Horsehair Wigs Podcast Raphael Heffron on Climate Justice

On this month’s show, we discuss how principles related to the rule of law will be the primary drivers in the shift towards cleaner technologies and a healthier environment, in a lively conversation with Irish professor, Raphael Heffron.

How an investor protection regime is stalling climate action and instead paying polluters

July 08, 2024 | posted by | 5sc

Horsehair Wigs Podcast Stephanie Caligara

It’s been dubbed litigation terrorism - investor state dispute settlement clauses or ISDS mechanisms – and on this month’s show, we talk about it with Stéphanie Caligara, a French qualified lawyer and consultant with the Global Legal Action Network.

The culture of impunity in Mexico around the disappearance of thousands of women

June 04, 2024 | posted by | 5sc

Horsehair Wigs Podcast Rhea Kneifati

Legal expert, Rhea Kneifati, who specialises in sexual and gender-based investigations talks to us on the show this month.

Ray Murphy says there is a legal case for genocide against Israel

April 29, 2024 | posted by | 5sc

Ray Murphy on Horsehair Wigs Podcast IRLI

Human rights lawyer and professor at the Irish Centre for Human Rights in Galway, Ray Murphy talks about the current situation in Gaza and the legality of the Israel-Hamas war.

IRLI Team Malawi discuss the ripple effects of an under-resourced criminal justice system

March 26, 2024 | posted by | 5sc

IRLI Team Malawi Interview

We sit down with some of Irish Rule of Law International’s (IRLI) Malawi team this month to discuss how the country’s poverty is affecting its justice institutions.

Fighting for justice for women and girls in Malawi

February 26, 2024 | posted by | 5sc

On the show this month: Sarai Chisala-Templehoff, a Malawian human rights and social justice lawyer.